Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I am super emo currently....for no reason...
I might be in very good mood on this moment, but i might turn on my emo mood on next second...for no reason as well...
I could be very excited talking nonstop now, and yet i could be very down just keep my mouth shut suddenly...for no reason again...
Maybe for last second, my life was hopeful, however when the last second passed...my life go back to black and white....still for no reason....

For this second, i think to hide myself under my table...i think to keep my mouth shut forever...i think to not face with anyone...
I am emo...over emo...until even myself also cannot recognize who am i...
I saw a msg this morning, its about part of the fb users will becoming emo bcoz of facing too much with it...
YES! it might be...it might happen to me...coz this is wat happening to me now...
I know wats happening to me....but i dunno how to manage myself for this transition...
What should i do? is there anything would possible to cheer me up? i dunno...
I lost my happiness....i lost my soul...i lost myself...

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